The Profound Power of People-First Leadership: Reflections on my Conversation with Alice Barbery

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In my recent “The Wisdom Of…” conversation with Alice Barbery, CEO of Universal Store, I was struck by a profound truth that I’ve observed throughout my career:

The most transformative force in any organization is its people.

This episode is a masterclass in how genuine commitment to your team can elevate a business to extraordinary heights.

As I reflected on Alice’s insights, I was reminded of a fundamental principle that often gets overlooked in our pursuit of profit and growth: true leadership is stewardship of human potential.

Consider Alice’s promise: “I’ve made a promise to everyone who signed a contract that they have a job here.” For most businesses just holding on through constant disruption and economic uncertainty, this level of commitment is rare.

But it’s precisely this kind of promise that can transform an organization from the inside out.


Because when people feel secure, they innovate.

When they feel valued, they contribute beyond measure.

When they feel part of something greater than themselves, they become ambassadors for your mission.

This isn’t just feel-good philosophy.

It’s sound business strategy.

Alice’s approach at Universal Store demonstrates how a deep commitment to people can manifest in tangible business outcomes:

1. Enhanced Customer Experience: Employees naturally extend value to customers when they feel valued. Alice’s insight that “We don’t just sell clothes. We sell self-esteem” is a testament to how empowered employees can elevate a simple transaction into a meaningful interaction.

2. Increased Innovation: Innovation thrives in an environment where people feel safe to experiment and even fail. Alice’s focus on creating “psychologically safe, physically safe, and enjoyable work environments” is a recipe for unleashing creativity and problem-solving.

3. Improved Retention and Attraction of Talent: In a competitive job market, a reputation for genuine care and commitment to employees becomes a powerful magnet for top talent.

4. Greater Resilience: Organizations built on a foundation of trust and mutual commitment are better equipped to weather storms and adapt to change.

5. Amplified Purpose: When leaders demonstrate a commitment to their people, it reinforces the organization’s broader purpose, creating a virtuous cycle of meaning and motivation.

But here’s the crucial insight: this level of commitment requires more than just good intentions. It demands a fundamental shift in how we view leadership.

It requires us to see our role not as commanders of resources but as stewards of potential.

It asks us to prioritize long-term value creation over short-term gains.

It challenges us to be vulnerable, to admit when we don’t have all the answers, and to lead authentically.

This is the essence of what I call “steward-driven leadership.”

It’s a philosophy recognizing that often, our greatest asset isn’t our product, technology, or even our brand – it’s our people.

When great people are moved…

When great people are armed…

When great people are trusted…

Extraordinary growth is inevitable.

And our primary job as leaders is to create the conditions for that inevitability.

Give them a central purpose.

Provide them with a central cohesive mission.

Equip them all with the power to evangelize the greatness of our offer and brand.

This episode of “The Wisdom Of…” is a call to action for all of us in leadership positions to reassess our commitment to our teams.

To ask ourselves:

  • Are we truly creating an environment where people can exceed their own expectations?
  • How can we demonstrate a deeper level of commitment to our employees’ growth and wellbeing?
  • In what ways can we better align our business goals with the personal aspirations of our team members?
  • How might our organization transform if we truly embraced the role of stewards rather than just managers?

I encourage you to listen to the full episode and reflect on these questions.

In a world increasingly driven by technology and automation, our ability to unleash human potential will be the true differentiator.

It’s time for us to recommit to the people who make our organizations great and arm them with everything they need to create extraordinary outcomes.

Listen to the full episode here.

If you’re inspired to explore how these principles can transform your organization, I invite you to apply to work with me 1:1. My team and I specialize in helping leaders unlock their company’s true genius by tapping into the full potential of their people. Apply here or watch the masterclass  to understand more.

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