I’ve said before that when the original genius of a company is lost, the company becomes commoditized.
But here’s what I haven’t said…
The market isn’t what commoditizes our value. We do.
You see, there’s an invisible, often polarizing, tension that strengthens over time in most businesses, separating founders from their innate passion and subscribing them instead to a vision of leadership that is focused more on the organizational data and the company statistics than the original dream and the compelling story.
We let it happen to us when we unknowingly allow our unique genius to be diluted over time, and if you’re not careful, it could happen to you too.
Here’s what’s actually happening inside a lot of companies as they progress over time:
The Solution - Outthink To Outsell & Outserve
Selling in this way takes more than any motivational speech, sales coach, or KPI incentive could provide. It requires a sense of deep and powerful alignment in your sales team and across your whole business.
At the core of this misalignment is the greatest conflict I see in large companies all around the world, particularly between their sales teams and their fulfillment teams.
The fulfillment team is saying: “Tell the salespeople to stop promising stuff we can’t deliver.”
While the sales team is saying: “For goodness’ sake! Get these folks to actually produce something that we can actually sell in the marketplace.”
You might’ve experienced that conflict inside your own organization as a leader and as a manager and tried to address it before with varying degrees of
You could try several things to fix this (and likely have), but here’s the truth:
Your sales team can only outsell the marketplace, and your fulfillment team can only outserve the marketplace if, as the leader of the business, you can OUTTHINK the marketplace.
The quality of your product or service and your success in the marketplace are entirely dependent upon the quality of thinking behind what you do and the quality of thinking of the people leading the business.
The Catalyst Of Absolute Revenue Certainty
But as important as those things are, that’s actually not the real game. The real game is simply this. If you run a company or a business and you want it to grow, in order to scale any business, you must scale your selling.
The only thing that drives absolute business certainty is absolute revenue certainty.
If you have enough revenue coming into the business and it’s predictable, you can fix every other problem. You can hire the best staff. You can put the best systems in place. You can engage in the newest technology. You can invest in infrastructure. You can spend money on marketing.
Many might turn to capital raising or debt, but those are just one-off hits—injections of cash that, statistically, most businesses tend to quickly consume.
So, with all of that said…
How do you communicate your genius in a way where you outthink your marketplace and create revenue certainty, which becomes the new source of certainty for you and your business?
You use Visual Models.
Visual models are vessels of original genius that use psychologically powerful, aesthetically pleasing and structurally elegant visuals to simplify complex concepts and codify the genius of a founder, their business, and every facet of their organization.
The company that can communicate its genius to the market the clearest is the one that will win the biggest deals.
And the one that can predictably communicate their genius will stand out and successfully command premium prices in a sea of competition and commoditization.
For over three decades, I’ve helped the world’s largest companies codify their genius and land million-dollar contracts with simple, stunning visual models.
We see them being used now in over 30 countries, in multiple languages, and in companies ranging from sole trading enterprises to multi-billion-dollar, multi-national corporations.
So, if you know that your company value is more directly proportional to the quality of your thinking than it is to the volume of your work…
And you’re ready to turn your original genius into potent visual models that others haven’t seen, thought about, or even imagined so you can outthink, outsell, and outserve everyone else…
Apply using the link below, and let’s create magic together.
Watch my masterclass to learn more about The Models Method or apply to work directly with me to get a custom suite of models made for your business.