Preparing for Plausible Futures Now:  A Warning to CEOs & Leaders

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The world seems to be spinning faster than ever.

Geopolitical tensions, technological revolutions, and global challenges collide daily.

Your role, as a leader, as someone with power and influence, has never been more crucial.

My recent conversation with Major General (Retd) Gus McLachlan AO for “The Wisdom Of…” show, got me thinking… deeply.  Profoundly.

With a level of urgency that I need to share.

Listen to the full episode here.

“These are no longer black swan events. These are plausible futures now. So it’s time to get ready for them.”

This statement should be a wake-up call for every leader. 

The disruptions we’ve seen in recent years – from global pandemics to supply chain crises – are not anomalies. 

They are harbingers of a new normal characterized by volatility and uncertainty.

Gus elaborates on this, highlighting specific areas of concern:

“We’ve seen trade weaponized by countries… That’s just a bit of a foretaste of what others might do to try and manipulate behavior. So what of that comes back to senior leaders thinking about right now?”

As leaders, we must shift our thinking from reactive crisis management to proactive scenario planning. This means:

  1. Diversifying supply chains and markets to build resilience
  2. Investing in cybersecurity as a core business function, not just an IT concern
  3. Exploring the potential of AI and other emerging technologies while being mindful of their ethical implications

Gus’s insights on the intersection of cybersecurity, AI, and global strategy are particularly relevant:

“AI will be incredibly important for leaders to have what we call decision superiority. If I can find the gems in that information that allow me to make a better, more timely, quicker, more accurate decision than my adversary, then I will win.”

This perspective highlights the transformative potential of AI in decision-making. However, it also underscores the need for ethical considerations and robust security measures:

“Most of the malign cyber threats that businesses are facing have emerged from state-sponsored threat development centers… Those threats are here. Businesses that are not thinking about the implications of a cyber breach really are not meeting their responsibilities.”

As leaders, we must navigate this complex landscape, harnessing the power of technology while mitigating its risks. 

This requires not just technical knowledge, but a deep understanding of the strategic implications of these technologies.

The insights shared by Gus are more than just food for thought – they’re a call to action. 

We need leaders who can:

  • Face challenges head-on with confidence and humility
  • Provide clear purpose and direction while allowing for flexibility
  • Prepare for plausible futures through strategic foresight and scenario planning
  • Navigate the intersection of technology and strategy with wisdom and ethical consideration
  • Foster open communication and trust throughout their organizations

I urge you to watch the full interview with Gus McLachlan. His wisdom, distilled from decades of experience in some of the most challenging leadership roles imaginable, offers invaluable insights for leaders at all levels.

The challenges we face are significant, but they are not insurmountable. 

With the right mindset, the right tools, and the right approach, we can navigate even the most complex and uncertain environments.

Remember, your greatest strength as a leader lies not in having all the answers, but in asking the right questions, fostering the right conversations, and creating an environment where your team can thrive. 

As you face the challenges ahead, know that you’re not alone.

There is wisdom to be found – in the experiences of leaders like Gus, in the collective intelligence of your team, and in your own unique journey.

The future is waiting and it needs leaders like you to shape it.

In a world where the challenges are increasingly complex and the stakes are higher than ever, having a clear, visual representation of your leadership genius isn’t just helpful – it’s essential.

If you’re inspired by Gus’s insights and ready to unlock your own leadership genius, I invite you to explore how we might work together. Together, we can create a framework that not only captures your unique wisdom and experience but also provides a roadmap for leading your organization into the future, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

Apply here or watch the masterclass to understand more.


P.S. The journey of leadership is ongoing, and the learning never stops. I encourage you to share this interview and the insights from Gus McLachlan with your fellow leaders. Together, we can create a ripple effect of wise, purposeful leadership that transforms not just our organizations, but our world.

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