A Revolution To Remember: Groundbreaking Insights From Dr. Dale Bredesen

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As original founders, we strive to shift paradigms and change the course of history.

But sometimes, it doesn’t begin with an idealistic dream or a sudden eureka moment. Sometimes, a grand adventure is born out of a single question. In the case of my latest guest on The Wisdom Of… Show, Dr. Dale Bredesen—this question would lead him on a 30+ year journey that not only challenged the conventional understanding of Alzheimer’s but has restored hope for millions who were sold false hopelessness by the experts they once trusted most.

As a prodigious innovator in medicine with multiple patient case studies under his research belt, he and his team at the Buck Institute For Age Research have shifted the scientific and popular consensus on neurodegenerative diseases—from inevitabilities to phenomena that are not only preventable but likely reversible. Dr. Bredesen’s dedicated pursuit of the science that makes this a reality has placed him at the vanguard of neurological research and led to the discoveries that today underlie the ReCODE Protocol™.

Throughout our conversation, his resounding expertise, depth of insight, and keen perspective on pressing on in the face of criticism and widespread consensus can show us all how to innovate despite adversity and, in the process, rewrite paradigms and the futures of generations to come.

Want more groundbreaking insights on how to guide your paradigm-shifting breakthrough (as well as prevent or even reverse Alzheimer’s for yourself or someone you love)? Watch the full interview with Dr. Dale Bredesen now.

Questioning Common Consensus

As I sat down with Dr. Dale Bredesen, we began our conversation by diving directly into the central finding of his and his team’s over thirty years of research: that neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, are not inevitable but reversible.

This knocked me off my feet when I first heard him say it, especially in a world where, according to Alzheimer’s Research UK, “one in two of us will be directly affected by dementia in our lifetime, either by caring for someone with the condition or developing it ourselves.” It not only contradicts the prevailing belief that neurodegenerative diseases are an expected and inevitable part of getting older but raises more significant questions about our understanding of our bodies and our shared experiences.

I was fascinated by the conclusion of his research and the path he took to arrive there. When asked about this, he reflected on his drive and the curiosity that fueled it, stating, “If you don’t understand it, you don’t understand what you can do about it.”

Whether you’re diagnosing a problem in your business or the human body, Dr. Bredesen’s advice reminds us to always look “under the hood” and break the issue into its parts, operating with a mind free from assumptions. This relentless curiosity and willingness to embrace it without deferring to the common consensus (that these diseases were inevitable) allowed him to embark on this remarkable scientific endeavor and, ultimately… entrepreneurial journey.

One Question… A Myriad Of Breakthroughs

When going through medical school and a neurology residency at the University Of San Francisco, he found himself consumed not only by how these neurological diseases work but also by what goes wrong to create them in the first place.

This single driving question of “what makes these diseases occur” led him to the realization that something is fundamentally wrong with the current system—as we have these illnesses (such as Alzheimer’s) which are set to kill 45,000,000 people in the United States alone, and yet—there’s no solution, and worse… even medical professionals think of or approach these diseases as unavoidable.

“We spent the last 30 years and published over 200 peer-reviewed papers all in the hopes of discovering ‘what is doing this?’.” This audacious journey led him to uncover many things about human physiology, evolution, what creates dependence in people, and more. These industry-changing, paradigm-shifting scientific discoveries, such as dependence receptors, connection/protection modes in the brain, and the systems approach to complex diseases, allowed Dr. Bredesen and his team to treat Alzheimer’s patients who have, for the first time in history, completely reversed the illness and become survivors.

This journey is profound in its similarity to the journey you, I, and all of us experience as founders. When we answer the call to solve a seemingly intractable problem, we see every facet of our lives through the lens of our singular pursuit, guided by the question that started it all. Often, in the process, we uncover our innate genius and, as Dale did, discover breakthroughs in pursuing the answer that influences the tides of entire industries in their own right. While many founders search for that one eureka moment or grand breakthrough, I urge you to maintain an open mind along the way, as what you learn on the journey may be just as transformative as the destination.

What To Do To Prevent Or Reverse Alzheimer’s

After bringing me through his discovery three decades in the making, he illustrated the most common causes of neurological degeneration, as well as the single most important step we all can take for ourselves and our loved ones to prevent this incredibly harrowing illness.

“The first thing to recognize is that Alzheimer’s is rapidly becoming optional. The only thing you can do wrong is to wait until it’s too late.”

He continues by stressing the importance of getting regular tests, namely the PTau, GFAP, and NfL, all biomarkers that can effectively predict the potential risk for or progression of neurodegeneration in patients. Dr. Bredesen recommends that everyone get tested for these markers to get the “status” of their brain, which can be accomplished with a simple blood test (no spinal tests needed) every five years, starting at age 35 and then every two years after age 60.

He then outlined a few daily lifestyle factors that measurably contribute to neurodegeneration. These include chronic stress, infections, an ultra-processed diet, insulin resistance, a lack of quality sleep, and exposure to organic, environmental, and biotoxins.

Ultimately, the paradigm shift is to remember that this is a treatable disease and that it is crucial to get tested now for the sake of yourself and the people you love the most.

The #1 Mistake Dr. Bredesen Made (And What To Do Instead)

We wrapped up our conversation by exploring his most significant challenges in bringing this information to the world. He and his team started by publishing anecdotes and proof of concepts, but there was increasing pushback at each step.

“We tend to forget that when we suggest something new, implicit in that suggestion is that the current status is wrong. When you tell people that everything they’ve trained for and spent their lives doing is wrong, that does not sit well with them, especially when they’re in positions of power.”

Dr. Bredesen’s team experienced this firsthand as they tried to get the idea into the scientific community with repeated pushback they received from the Alzheimer’s Association, blatantly false information written from the Alzheimer’s Society in Canada, and even known experts paid by drug companies to say they didn’t believe in what Dale and his team were doing.

It’s important to remember that “no one makes a decision that is not in their own self-interest. As you begin to see these changes you want to make, take them to somebody more influential than you who can benefit from your success.”

But beyond the systemic opposition and pressure from those in power, one of the other key challenges he and his team faced was ethical.

So many people have said, “You’re offering false hope.”

But one of the patients who has done very well said, “They’re offering false hopelessness.”

From an ethical perspective, you want to give them true hope and tell them what can happen but also acknowledge that it may be too late. It’s always a matter of not giving them false hope and not giving them false hopelessness.

As an embodiment of entrepreneurial resilience and the unwavering pursuit of a transformative outcome, I immensely enjoyed my opportunity to meet with Dr. Dale Bredesen. His 30-plus-year journey in shifting scientific consensus was paved with incredible insights, which we can all learn from, just as I have.

These simple but profound concepts challenge us all, especially those of us in pursuit of a remarkable goal, to sustain our cognitive functioning by testing for it early so we can preserve our minds and protect our original genius for decades to come.

If you enjoyed what you read, I encourage you to watch this episode.

Immerse yourself in Dr. Dale Bredesen’s profound wisdom and unforgettable conviction as a pioneer in neurodegenerative science and Alzheimer’s research.


Join the transformation and conversation…

Watch the full interview with Dr. Dale Bredesen on The Wisdom Of… Show

And don’t miss Simon Bowen’s transformative masterclass on unlocking your hidden genius. Your future self will thank you.

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